Sliding Heroes

Send units onto the field by touching the button on the upper right corner of the screen (only up to 8 units can be dispatched at the same time), then tilt the iPhone / iPod touch toward the direction you want the units to move. When one of your units reaches the goal, you win the map.

Your units will automatically attack when enemies are in range. Units gain levels and add extra lives to your counter every time they win a battle. Your units (and also monsters) can only attack in the direction they’re facing, so maneuvering your troops to attack enemies from the rear is one of the game’s core strategies.

You can change the unit class by touching buttons at the right and left side of the screen. Each class has their traits which should help you clear the stage.

The evil overlord abducted the princess and other members of the royal family as he cast the curse on the kingdom. These VIPs appear in the later stages of the game, and it’s up to you to deliver them from captivity and escort them to safety.